Only available for in-store pickup. Please call to arrange a pickup date. Some items require 1-2 business days to stock.
Mullica Hill, NJ (856) 589-3953 | Williamstown, NJ (856) 226-3834
Mullica Hill, NJ (856) 589-3953 | Williamstown, NJ (856) 226-3834
- Black Kow cow manure compost is organic and contains nutrients that are released slowly without burning tender roots.
- Provide moisture holding capacity to sandy soils. Provide aeration and moisture holding capacity to hard, clay-type soils.
- Black Kow cow manure compost helps break up those soils so that water and nutrients are available to the plant when needed.
- Want great tomatoes? Plant tomatoes right in the bag. Lay the bag on its side. Cut a small opening in the bag & punch drain holes in the bottom.
- Sold by volume original Mfg. packaging. Weight is usually over depending on moisture content.