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Frequently Asked Questions about Mulch
Why is mulch important in gardening and landscaping? Mulch is great for your garden. It reduces weeds, helps prevent water evaporation and soil erosion, adds some nutrients, and improves the quality of the soil, making your landscape look attractive and finished. What are the various kinds of mulch available? There are a variety of organic and inorganic mulches. Wood chips and bark, shredded to varying degrees, are the most popular organic mulches. They are natural, so they absorb moisture, break down into plant-friendly matter, and can be put directly on top of the soil. Inorganic mulches, like rubber mulch or...
Mulch Madness from Peach Country Tractor
Let’s take a closer look at mulch – the material that is spread over a garden surface to block weeds, inhibit soil erosion, nourish the soil, and make your plantings look pretty. There is so much more to mulch than meets the eye (or the back), so we’re going to jump right in. Depending on your gardening goals, either organic mulch or inorganic mulch may be your ticket to a beautiful landscape cover. Organic mulch is made from natural materials spread directly over the soil that break down over time. It suppresses weeds and adds nutrients to the soil as...
Frequently Asked Questions about Tenacity Herbicide
What is Tenacity Herbicide? Manufactured by Syngenta, Tenacity is one of the safest and most effective weedkillers on the market. It targets and effectively kills weeds like crabgrass, nutsedge, dandelions, clover, and others, either before they sprout (pre-emergent control) or after you notice patches of weeds on your lawn (post-emergent). Is Tenacity Herbicide safe for use around children and pets? Once this weedkiller has dried on your lawn, it is safe and non-toxic for children and pets. The active ingredient is mesotrione, a sulfur compound derived from the bottlebrush plant. Tenacity was granted a ‘reduced-risk’ status by the Environmental Protection...